Create a gateway shard.
The bot's token.
The shard's ID.
The value to pass to num_shards
in the identify payload.
The URL being used to connect to the gateway.
Gateway shard options.
A callback to be used for logging events internally in the gateway shard.
logThisArg: anyA value to use as this
in the logCallback
Guilds that belong to the shard. This is populated as the shard is receiving GUILD_CREATE payloads, and is accurate after the shard is in a guilds ready state.
The shard's heartbeat ping in milliseconds.
idThe shard's ID.
The last sequence number received.
numThe value to pass to num_shards
in the identify payload.
optionsOptions for the gateway shard.
The URL used for reconnecting and resuming sessions.
The shard's session ID.
The shard's state.
systemThe system string used for logging.
urlThe URL being used.
Guilds expected to receive a GUILD_CREATE from.
The WebSocket used by the shard.
Kills the shard.
The reason the shard is being killed. Defaults to "Manual kill"
A socket close code to send if the connection is still open. Defaults to 1000
Generated using TypeDoc
A gateway shard. Handles the low level ws communication with Discord.