Class GatewayShard

A gateway shard. Handles the low level ws communication with Discord.



  • Create a gateway shard.


    • token: string

      The bot's token.

    • id: number

      The shard's ID.

    • numShards: number

      The value to pass to num_shards in the identify payload.

    • url: string

      The URL being used to connect to the gateway.

    • options: Required<GatewayOptions> & {
          intents: number;

      Gateway shard options.

    • logCallback: LogCallback = ...

      A callback to be used for logging events internally in the gateway shard.

    • Optional logThisArg: any

      A value to use as this in the logCallback.

    Returns GatewayShard


guilds: Set<string> = ...

Guilds that belong to the shard. This is populated as the shard is receiving GUILD_CREATE payloads, and is accurate after the shard is in a guilds ready state.

heartbeatPing: number = 0

The shard's heartbeat ping in milliseconds.

id: number

The shard's ID.

lastSequence: null | number = null

The last sequence number received.

numShards: number

The value to pass to num_shards in the identify payload.

options: Required<GatewayOptions> & {
    intents: number;

Options for the gateway shard.

resumeURL: null | string = null

The URL used for reconnecting and resuming sessions.

sessionId: null | string = null

The shard's session ID.

state: GatewayShardState = GatewayShardState.IDLE

The shard's state.

system: `Gateway Shard ${number}`

The system string used for logging.

url: string

The URL being used.

waitingForGuilds: null | Set<string> = null

Guilds expected to receive a GUILD_CREATE from.

ws: null | WebSocket = null

The WebSocket used by the shard.


  • Kills the shard.


    • reason: string = ...

      The reason the shard is being killed. Defaults to "Manual kill".

    • code: number = 1000

      A socket close code to send if the connection is still open. Defaults to 1000.

    Returns void

  • Sends a payload to the gateway.


    • payload: GatewaySendPayload

    Returns Promise<void>

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