Interface CacheOptions

Cache options.


  • CacheOptions


channels?: null | ("type" | "name" | "position" | "guild_id" | "icon" | "owner_id" | "application_id" | "topic" | "bitrate" | "permission_overwrites" | "nsfw" | "rate_limit_per_user" | "user_limit" | "default_auto_archive_duration" | "last_message_id" | "last_pin_timestamp" | "flags" | "recipients" | "default_thread_rate_limit_per_user" | "parent_id" | "rtc_region" | "video_quality_mode" | "thread_metadata" | "message_count" | "member_count" | "total_message_sent" | "applied_tags" | "available_tags" | "default_reaction_emoji" | "default_sort_order" | "default_forum_layout" | "managed")[]

Channel cache control. By default, nothing is cached. Cache is enabled on a per-key basis, meaning you specify what keys of data you wish to keep cached. Keep in mind that even if you select to cache data, that data may not be available until specific gateway dispatches are received. Defining an empty array ([]) will only cache the required data, null or undefined will cache no data.


guilds?: null | ("name" | "description" | "region" | "unavailable" | "welcome_screen" | "icon" | "splash" | "banner" | "features" | "verification_level" | "vanity_url_code" | "icon_hash" | "discovery_splash" | "owner" | "owner_id" | "permissions" | "afk_channel_id" | "afk_timeout" | "widget_enabled" | "widget_channel_id" | "default_message_notifications" | "explicit_content_filter" | "roles" | "emojis" | "mfa_level" | "application_id" | "system_channel_id" | "system_channel_flags" | "rules_channel_id" | "max_presences" | "max_members" | "premium_tier" | "premium_subscription_count" | "preferred_locale" | "public_updates_channel_id" | "max_video_channel_users" | "max_stage_video_channel_users" | "approximate_member_count" | "approximate_presence_count" | "nsfw_level" | "stickers" | "premium_progress_bar_enabled" | "hub_type" | "member_count" | "channels" | "joined_at" | "members" | "large" | "stage_instances" | "guild_scheduled_events")[]

Guild cache control. By default, nothing is cached. Cache is enabled on a per-key basis, meaning you specify what keys of data you wish to keep cached. Keep in mind that even if you select to cache data, that data may not be available until specific gateway dispatches are received. Defining an empty array ([]) will only cache the required data, null or undefined will cache no data.


members?: null | ("mute" | "pending" | "user" | "roles" | "deaf" | "nick" | "communication_disabled_until" | "flags" | "avatar" | "premium_since" | "joined_at")[]

Member cache control. By default, nothing is cached. Cache is enabled on a per-key basis, meaning you specify what keys of data you wish to keep cached. Keep in mind that even if you select to cache data, that data may not be available until specific gateway dispatches are received. Defining an empty array ([]) will only cache the required data, null or undefined will cache no data.


presences?: null | ("status" | "user" | "activities" | "client_status")[]

Presence cache control. By default, nothing is cached. Cache is enabled on a per-key basis, meaning you specify what keys of data you wish to keep cached. Keep in mind that even if you select to cache data, that data may not be available until specific gateway dispatches are received. Defining an empty array ([]) will only cache the required data, null or undefined will cache no data.


roles?: null | ("name" | "color" | "position" | "tags" | "guild_id" | "icon" | "permissions" | "hoist" | "mentionable" | "managed" | "unicode_emoji")[]

Role cache control. By default, nothing is cached. Cache is enabled on a per-key basis, meaning you specify what keys of data you wish to keep cached. Keep in mind that even if you select to cache data, that data may not be available until specific gateway dispatches are received. Defining an empty array ([]) will only cache the required data, null or undefined will cache no data.


users?: null | ("bot" | "email" | "banner" | "flags" | "avatar" | "username" | "locale" | "discriminator" | "system" | "mfa_enabled" | "accent_color" | "verified" | "premium_type" | "public_flags")[]

User cache control. By default, nothing is cached. Cache is enabled on a per-key basis, meaning you specify what keys of data you wish to keep cached. Keep in mind that even if you select to cache data, that data may not be available until specific gateway dispatches are received. Defining an empty array ([]) will only cache the required data, null or undefined will cache no data.


voiceStates?: null | ("mute" | "channel_id" | "deaf" | "member" | "session_id" | "self_deaf" | "self_mute" | "self_stream" | "self_video" | "suppress" | "request_to_speak_timestamp")[]

Voice state cache control. By default, nothing is cached. Cache is enabled on a per-key basis, meaning you specify what keys of data you wish to keep cached. Keep in mind that even if you select to cache data, that data may not be available until specific gateway dispatches are received. Defining an empty array ([]) will only cache the required data, null or undefined will cache no data.



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